Saturday, June 30, 2012

No Problem…No Problem…well

I’ve found that it’s a big part of Indian culture to say “no problem” about pretty much everything. The issue with that is that sometimes I do have a problem. Like when I got locked in the hostel and I went storming over to talk to Mr. Jaysh he said “it’s ok Leigh, no problem” and I said “No, Mr. Jaysh this is a HUGE problem” and he was confused. No problem has become one of those phrases that I NEVER want to hear again. Our dear friend Rumi, got bit by an ant that was carrying some kind of bacteria and her skin is turning black, and when she went to tell someone about it they said “no problem no problem” to which I responded well her skins going to fall off, so maybe there’s a small problem?

I got my culture on last night!

it’s so pretty! the girls are so talented! Well there was a problem with the culture on my arm…it resulted in a particularly itchy rash…#fail

On top of the new rash that’s broken out on my arm, I also went to the “hospital” last night. I put hospital in quotes because it was in fact not a hospital. It was a man at a desk wrapping pills in pieces of cut up newspaper. I told him I wasn’t feeling well and that I probably had Malaria and asked him was I going to die. He looked at me and said I’m confident you don’t have Malaria and that you’re going to fine. The kids were al gravely concerned about me because one of them touched my arm and signed to me that I had a fever…well I didn’t know how to sign back that my skin was hot because their entire country is hot, so most of the day was spent with children touching my face or rubbing my arms…so much touching. O and there’s a new girl who has taken to pinching my cheeks…I’ve had to tell her never do that again.

We went to the Gandhi Ashram (house) a couple days ago it was super cool. The ashram is where Gandhi lived when he was in Ahmedabad (for 15 years)

                                                           "My life is my message"- Gandhi

I really love this quote! New tattoo? I think so!

I’ve found the one thing that India has that if it makes it to the US half of our population will die off:

Delivery McDonalds? Seriously? Who in Gods name would want that awful food delivered? I might be bias because I hate McDonalds and everything they are (except the philanthropy aspect, that’s cool)

Somehow I have become the person responsible for mediating conflict amongst the kids. So they do a lot of hitting here because they don’t have another way to call each other, but sometimes they hit each other as a game…that I don’t approve of. So yesterday one of the boys that I love dearly slapped (playfully) one of the girls that I also love dearly. Well I marched right on down to him grabbed him by his shirt and told him to apologize. It was such a spectacle; well this incident, which occurred in the cafeteria in front of everyone, prompted all the students to bring their grievances to me.

Well yesterday I saw a dog sleeping in a planter:

I asked  “why is that dog in that planter?” the response was “o he’s just taking a rest” I said “well that’s odd because dogs don’t sleep in planters…so…”

In the evening I hang out with the boys at the boy hostel, this is the time where all of my electronic devices (both phones, laptop,  ipad, and camera) are passed out and they boys pretty much go to town. I have SO many pictures that I’m not quite sure what to do with them anymore…I’ll be printing about 200 photos before I head out.

My life is my message,




  1. Love the Ghandi quote......Negative on the new TATTOO!!!!!

  2. I agree with mom on both counts. And hope ur feeling much better! Can't wait to see the pictures. I hope you take ur show on the road (youth groups, boys & girls clubs, churches, etc.) when u return home.

  3. Love the Ghandi quote!! Be safe Dear!

  4. Hello hope u r doin well take a lot of pics Cassie and carol and take care of your arm
