Sunday, June 17, 2012

There's so much culture...everywhere...all the time. O I don't have a toilet anymore.

So, when I said there was someone look down and chuckling at my life I meant it. When I arrived at the school today with my 71 pounds of luggage and I climbed the 2 flights of stairs to get to our commune with said luggage I see that there are no little cots set up for us. So I’m thinking hmmm…maybe they will set them up now, or maybe they waited so we could help them?  Both of those thoughts were wrong. I will now be sleeping on the floor…on a very thin mattress. What is happening here? I just don’t even know…So to recap: I left a house that is getting an actual shower, I lost my toilet privileges, I will be sleeping in a room with 45 children, and together we will be sleeping on the floor. My life is a huge lol. O and there’s not toilet paper. O and we don’t know how to use the toilet. Great. SOOOO MUCH CULTURE! 

PICS TO COME! (on FB)- pic 1

I washed my clothes today! It was a fail. For those of you that know me, you know that I don’t joke. I don’t kid, I don’t do anything of the sorts, I don’t like it, it’s not my strong suit. So when I tell you that adter washing my clothes they were actually dirtier than they were before you have no chouce but to believe me. I can’t even tell you what happened, Iw as washing my clothes I hung them to dry then these random weird stains appeared. WHAT IS GOING ON? The stains weren’t there when I packed my clothes, they weren’t there when I wore my clothes, they were there AFTER I WASHED THEM! I just can’t…O and to make matters 110% worse, after I washed my clothes and hung them to dry and sat down it started POURING. I’m not talking about a little drizzle, I’m talking about a freaking ocean coming out of the sky. My clothes are still wet to this moment.

We were setting up our floor spaces at the school and there was a very cute tiny human named Domeni, her a pic. Now let me explain the pic, Rumaire (the intern from PR) was super excited about taking a picture with her, so she sat right down and scooped her up into big hug, well apparently they don’t hug much here, hence the terrified look on poor Domeni’s face. I laughed a lot about this photo.

PICS TO COME! (on FB)- pic 2

So the people at the school who are taking care of us,  don’t speak English, they don’t sign, they speak a language that we don’t know. So this communication game jut got really tricky. They’re both super nice though, we just all do that thing that people do when they don’t understand someone, that haha..ok…uhh… So we’re really just standing around looking at each other.

O, there was a camel walking down the street today…casual.

PICS TO COME! (on FB)- pic 3

When I was in the toot toot coming to the school I had another end of life vision. Let me tell you what it was like. For those of you that have seen Harry Potter (can’t remember which one) The scene where the Hogwarts double decker squezzes into a tiny sixe in order to fit through 2 normal double decker buses and they just barely made, remember that? Remember that was able to happen because of magic. There is no magic on the roads in India.  What actually happened was my toot toot was in between a car and bus and I thought death was there to grab me. I leaned out my toot toot touched the bus beside me, leaned back and said “I just touched that bus and that’s HUGE problem.” I had my sassy pants all the way on, and I was looking at the driver for an explanation or at least hoping he was going to move, he looked at me ignored me and drove even further into the belly of the beast.  

Culture everywhere,


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