Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Pre departure part 1

So I'll be heading to a land far from the one I know and taking on an entirely new adventure! In 6 days I'll be heading to Ahmedabad, INDIA! The flight takes about 18 1/2 hours so a full day of traveling awaits me. I'll be in India working at the Ahmedabad school for deaf and mutes, i'll be teaching sign language and planning activities for the kids. This will be an exciting and interesting summer!

I'm really excited to do all of the touristy things (go to markets, see the Taj Mahal, etc.) as well! I'm on a mission to find a cool bracelet, tons of post cards, and a cool gift for a 12 year old.

I still haven't packed yet...so we'll have to figure that out sooner rather than later. 

Stay tuned for many updates on the adventurous lifestyle I am prepared to live!


  1. Very cool. (and kinda jealous). How long are you going to be there?

    I hope you have a great time! I believe this goes without saying, but dont drink the water. If you think drinking the water in Mexico is fun, I think you'll be in for a surprise.

    1. Hi Sam!!!

      I'll be there for 6 weeks!! I won't drink the water and I'll be super careful! : ) i'll post updates!
