Sunday, June 17, 2012

just chilling in India...playing some cricket.

Today a group of deaf boys taught me to play cricket...and it was awesome! We stood outside for like a total of 3 hours today just playing cricket! Even though they can't speak they taught us the rules, how to keep score, when we were out (which for me was quite often). They taught us new signs and showed us on a map where they were from, and we showed them on world map where we were from. The cool thing about this is that we don't know any sign language but we pretty match talked to them all day. They're funny and try think we're pretty funny. 

It's really funny because all the kitchen and school staff gather around us when we eat to make sure we like the food and that we've got enough to eat. The thing about is I'm not hungry pretty much anytime we're supposed to eat but I can't tell them I'm not hungry! It's been a lose lose for a couple days now.

Ok now let me tell you how I got guilt tripped into drinking this HOT tea in this HOT country. So what happened was they kept trying to give us water, but we didn't know if this was sink water (that we can't drink) or mineral water (which we can), so they're offering us this water and we're all refusing and they look at each other and look back at us and with this sad look in their eyes say "but it's clean.." the thing about it was at that I wasn't even thirsty! So we all kept saying no. 4 minutes later they are making tea and they tell me I should drink the tea bc I didn't drink the I'm standing around sweating and drinking this hot boiling cup of tea and I'm actually dripping at this point. It was awful. The tea was great, the feeling I had while drinking it was awful.

There's a tiny human following us around, she's real cute so it's cool.

I got bit by an ant, I was super over it. It a lot. And the ants are literally the size of my pinky nail. They're HUGE.

O and the puerto rican is still saying she's from pr...and they still have no idea what she's talking about.

Also, we still don't speak Gujarati and they still don't speak English. We should probably just start signing to everyone. 

So I was on my way to this temple and we in a toot toot (this was by far the most errifying ride ever) we almost hit like 4 people, 2 cars and a donkey. Well anyways, on our way to the temple there were these 3 guys on one motor bike (yes 3 normal sized guys on 1 bike) well, all three of them were looking at us soooo hard they almost crashed into the car in front of them. Then when we pulled up beside them (after they almost crashed), I looked at them and said "you should pay attention to the road." Then we pulled off. They were SUPER failing. 

School starts tomorrow so we'll see how my first day goes!

Ants...Ants everywhere,



  1. Another eventful day!!!! Are you going to be able to teach us the game of cricket when you return? Be safe!

  2. Hi, Leigh! I am Mélanie Gaudette's aunt (or almost!) Through her Facebook, Mélanie has directed us to your blog, telling us that we should read it, as she thought you could write very well... Well! That is to say the least! I have been reading your daily posts from the beginning, and I think you have amazing storytelling skills! Your posts read like an adventure book, and I hope that you will be saving all your writings to compile into a book when you return to the US!!!! I hope you don't mind that I intruded into your blog, but really, it's so interesting and funny, I enjoy every moment! Wish you girls a safe and enlightening journey! Carole Morin

    1. Hi! It's so nice to hear from you! I'm glad you're enjoying my posts and I do hope you continue to read them! Mélanie and I are having a very culturing experience here! I appreciate the compliment : )

      More soon!

