Tuesday, June 12, 2012

I'm just going to have to get use to sweating, o and not showering

I made it!! I am safe and sound in Ahmedabad! I got in a 4 am and thought "hmm...I am going to sleep very well!" I was mistaken.  It feels like I am sitting next to the devil himself and it's only 10 AM. I got about 2 hours of sleep and gave up.  I've met some of the other people who I will be working with and they are really fun! Mélanie, Sunny (who's a guy btw's), and Alina! They are from all over the world! Mélanie is from Canada, Sunny is from Hong Kong, and Alina is from Kyrgyzsan (which I am not convinced is a real place).

A little bit about my journey to the other side of the world:

When in the Atlanta airport I went to a little "Bistro" I put that in quotes because it was in an airport.  They specialized in chicken dishes.  I waltzed on up to the counter and asked "what comes with the grilled chicken panini?" To which this very friendly and personable young lady said "We out of chicken (no I did not miss a word), but if we had some it would come with waffle fries." I left quite over the entire situation.

I slept the majority of the flight from AMS-BOM so that was a win. I would go to sleep then wake up and there would be food and drink in front of me, like I had my own little fairy godmother! (Or an attentive flight attendant, either way.)

As Americans we have some the best airport security in the world, but India has the most intimidating. When I arrived in Mumbai I was greeted by men carrying very very large guns. I tried to smile and dazzle them with my southern charm...they completely ignored me.  I was ok with that, they were scary. I finally made it through security and to my gate.  To get to my plane we had to take a bus ride that lasted about 15 minutes and I wasn't entirely convinced they weren't taking me out to the middle of nowhere to leave me to die. But I stood tall and we eventually made it to the plane. Something I learned: cutting off a huge moving plain in a small bus is no big deal and if you look alarmed you look even more like a tourist than you already do.

I am currently staying in a volunteer house with my friends and some of us will be moving to the school in a couple days. If you are ever thinking about coming to India let me give you a few basic questions you should ask before you make the long journey across the world: Do you have a shower and Do you have a washing machine.  If the answer to one or both of those questions is no I would encourage you to maybe reconsider.  I did not ask those questions unfortunately and I will subsequently be taking bucket showers and hand washing my clothes for the next 6 weeks. SPOILER ALERT: I don't do things like that. So this will make for a very interesting/smelly 6 weeks. I've included a picture of Mélanie as she embarks upon the journey of hand washing her first load of laundry!

I walked to a little Indian  grocery store with Mélanie, Sunny, and Alina and we bought stuff for lunch (which was a loaf of bread and mixed berry jam, let's just say we're not that in tune with the culture and the food thus far).  It was a nice little walk and we went at 9 AM because apparently starting around 12 it is too hot to leave the house so we have to stay in doors. I have also been told not to be alarmed, it's totally normal to see packs of monkeys walking across the street.

I need to get in contact with an Indian friend of mine, but I have a hunch that not too many black people venture to this part of the world, as men, women, and children are constantly staring and waving at me. I thought maybe it was because I was an American but Mélanie is from Canada, which is basically just the USA only a taf further north, and she's not getting these looks.

It has been a hot and interesting adventure so far...can't wait to see what else India has in store for me!



  1. "I have also been told not to be alarmed, it's totally normal to see packs of monkeys walking across the street."

    Literally laughed out loud. Lizzy told me earlier about the shower/washing machine situation...I'm sorry! At least it will be an EXPERIENCE - and make for entertaining stories. :)

    Glad you got there safe and sound, miss you already!

    1. I'm glad you're enjoying my current situation. -__-

      miss you.

    2. i perfected the laundry thing after a solif 4 months, so by advice is be careful about the ink running in the indian clothes, BUTTTT most of all make sure you rinse supppperrrrr well, or your clothes will hold the soap and be stiff. good luck!

  2. Favorite part :"SPOILER ALERT! I do not do these things."

    I love reading this in your voice and imagining the facial expressions that go along with it.

    1. haha!! I am glad you are enjoying this Sam : ) PLEASE always read these in my voice and imagine the facial expressions, that's literally the best part!
