Friday, June 15, 2012

"Follow all traffic laws"

Well the title above was a complete lol and a blatant fail. As my favorite elf would say "You sit on a throne of lies!" That quote is posted in the middle of a road at a very busy intersection. Let's just talk about this intersection for a second...the stop lights don't work, there's no official there directing traffic, it's essentially just  a huge free for all. It's terrifying. I have seen my life flash before my eyes too many times to count and I've only been here a couple days. People drive like they have no concern for their lives or my safety. I asked one of our friends from Ahmedabad how high his countries traffic fatality rate was, he said "o not very high!" that was a lie. I know it. The "rules of the road" are more like "mere suggestions" and sometimes it seems like they're just something someone wrote down one day that no one cares about. People drive down the wrong side of the road, they just drive and honk instead of yielding, it is so scary.  

Being a pedestrian in chapel hill for 3 years will make you feel invincible, like you can walk in front of any car and your life will be left in tact because you know they have to stop for you. In India it is not even similar to that, they are literally polar opposites. People dart in front of cars, cars don't slow down, I envision people getting hit, then somehow quite miraculously they survive. I generally close my eyes because I don't want to see them meet their demise so I can't say how they're doing it just yet, but one day. At one point today we were attempting to cross a street our friends from here just casually strolled in front of motor bikes, cars, toot toots (aka rickshaws). Well I sprinted. I don't run often, but when I do it's because I'm being chased by a coyote or a car in India is about to destroy my life. Well our friend so, "No, don't run." To which I responded with, "Well a car was about to run me over know."  

I can't tell if I've made a friend or an enemy...let me tell you about our newest intern. She's from Puerto Rico, so when she got here and said where she was from I yelled (actually screamed) "YES! GO TEAM AMERICA!!!!" she was not thrilled. In fact anytime some one asked her where she was from she would say Puerto Rico, which is totally fine except that she has a super thick accent and NO one knows what or where Puerto Rico is! So after about 10 tries and misses I finally said she is from America! Which resulted in a lot of "oooo ok USA!". They were happy, I was happy, she was over it. I think what really did it for her was when she looked at me upset about the statement and I responded with "what? My country owns your territory." Ehh...we'll see what happens. 

Well it seems that there's someone in the heavens looking down at my life and chuckling, and thinking how can I continue to test Leigh?? Well I can't make it hotter because the country will explode...what can be done? Let me tell you: I'm moving out of the volunteer house I've been living in and moving into the school. This move was totally expected and understood. What wasn't expected was that the volunteer house would be getting...drum roll please...A REAL SHOWER. I was so flabbergasted and dumbfounded I just didn't know what to do. They're getting a shower this week! The week I move out...I can't. Not only is this happening but I'm moving to the school where I will be sharing a large room with 45 CHILDREN, taking communal showers, and (and here's the kicker) we no longer have toilets. Yes, you read correctly, NO TOILETS. What is there you may ask? A hole. A hole in the ground. That is all. A hole. I feel like my life has a hole in it.

I visited the school and got to meet the kids ill be working with! They're adorable! There is a small problem however...for some reason I thought we'd be teaching American sign language...i have never been more wrong in my entire life. We will be teaching Indian sign languages SPOILER ALERT: I don't know know any Indian sign language, nor do I speak the language. So...about that...I thought I was going to come back the states and be proficient in sign language and maybe that would help shape the course of my life. I was wrong...again. If anything I'll be returning back the states more useless than before. Once again I am failing. The principal of the school told us we would be responsible for teaching either art or sculpture...I said I have no talent in either of those areas. He responded with "yes, everyone has some hidden talents"...i said, no you'd be wrong their my friend. We'll see how this goes. Can anyone imagine me teaching art to anyone? Ya neither can I. 

Ok let's just talk about a few things that are not helpful at all:
1) when the news is on in India it reads in English "breaking news!" only to have said breaking news in a DIFFERENT LANGUAGE. How is it that helpful or informative??? If America is destroyed while I'm gone and anyone survives can someone please give me a call because I won't know. 

Also, Indian food is delicious! It's flavorful and spicy and great all around! What's not great all around is when I'm in a restaurant and I ask what something is and the waiter says "something I don't understand, something I don't understand masala. " I will literally never know what I'm eating. 

If you were wondering to yourself recently, "hmmm I wonder if people are still staring at Leigh? Well to answer your question, yes, yes they are. They stare in a friendly sort of way and many people wave. Today a group of school girls were in front of our house about to get on the bus, before that could happen they spotted us. They started waving and giggling and carrying on, one would begin to question if they are laughing at us...I guess we'll never know. 

If you're reading my blog I really appreciate it, but I wanted to inform you all that I will most likely not have daily posts starting next week. I currently have wifi where I'm staying but ill be moving into the school tomorrow so I'm not sure when I'll be able to access the internet. I know I'll be able to update at least once a week, but I'll try for more! 

Remember rickshaws are scary,



  1. Sounds like things are looking up for you!!! Getting to hang out and sleep with 45 wonderful children is such a blessing!

    1. I remember someone named Chris I think posted on your first blog that you will be spritually changed by your experience in India. I expect that you will have more patience if nothing else!! Are they going to teach you any Indian signing? Teach them abstract art...anyone can do that...great curbs, squares triangles and circles! Oh, by the way...Comedy Central will be waiting for you at the airport when you return. Be safe!
