Wednesday, June 13, 2012

the BRTS, we can never go in public again.

From the way we all giggled when we were on the bus it was quite obvious that we were foreigners.  Riding that bus was an experience (that seems to be the new word). We had to run to the door and push our way in as all the outgoing passengers were trying to push their way out.  Once we got on the  bus it was jam packed (all my UNC friends imagine the P2P at 12 AM on a Thursday), and we had to stand and hold on to handles.  The only issue with this is guessed it! IT'S HOT! So we are squished like sardines on this small bus for about 10 minutes as we went to Alpha One.  Alpha One is more than just a mall, it's my savior, it has air conditioning. So we enjoyed a few hours in the mall and it was glorious. I bought some traditional India clothing so get ready for some pics of that! Then our "babysitter" dropped us off literally on the side of the road and pointed to the BRTS station and said tell them you all want a ticket to Anjil station. Well, none of us speak the language so when we got the counter to get our ticket the man had no idea where we wanted to go because we were all mispronouncing the name so terribly. Finally we found a map and pointed at what we hoped was what we were supposed to be saying. It worked, we made it back safe and sound.

Mélanie is convinced she needs to see an elephant tomorrow, so we'll see what we can do about that. Also, I was close enough to pet a cow today, I didn't, but I could have.

Here's a pic of the ladies with our scarves on! The only issue with the scarf is guessed it! IT'S HOT. So we're walking around in the 110 degree weather with thick scarves on our heads, that was not for me. I quickly removed the scarf and continued to sweat bullets until we reached Alpha One.

I made  more new friends! Nabil is from Egypt and he's finishing up a year here! Then there's Sarah, she's from Russia and she is also finishing up a year. Then there's Lea, she's from The Netherlands and she has 2 more months then her year is complete.

O and I forgot to mention I am sleeping on a cot...for 6 weeks. Thank the great spirit I brought my hammock. I found out today that the school does not open back up from break until Monday, so we'll be living in this volunteer house until then.

I'm not sure what kind of adventures we'll be embarking upon tomorrow, but I'll have my camera and you all will be with me every step of the way.

I'll be taking my first bucket shower today. Pray for my strength.



  1. Leigh you will forever be my favorite...hahaha...enjoy those bucket showers. At least the water is warm.

    1. : )love you too. Why would i need warm water? it's literally 110 here...
