Tuesday, July 3, 2012

washing clothes=struggle

As I was sitting next to the devil while washing my clothing last night I had an epiphany: someone should have told me that hand washing clothes was the worst thing ever. I was washing clothes for 3 hours last night. 3 HOURS. Maybe it was partially my fault because I haven’t washed clothes in 2 weeks, but I brought enough clothing with me and I;ve bought enough clothing here that I don’t have to! O and to make matters I was about to wash the last pair of my 5 pairs of jeans and one of the girls came into the room and looked at the jeans I has already washed and convinced me to letter her at least sho me how it was supposed to be done, well she washed my jeans better than any washer machine ever has and it was super disgusting because when she was done you could see the dirt coming out of them…the ones I washed didn’t do that…She looked at the jeans I had washed and lifted one of the pant legs and was pointing at the dirt that was on the very bttom of th pant leg (like from where I walked on them) and I didn’t know how to sign “Honey I’ve been washing clothes for 3 hours I don’t care about that at all” so I just told her it was ok and that I would wash them again another day.

Ok so the other day I was wearing a knee length skirt (to all the tri sigmas reading this it was the white skirt we wore during recruitment only I didn’t have it high waisted I wore it on my hips like a normal skirt) well we were about to leave to go see this old historic well (yes a well) and Mr. Jaysh said, “Leigh you go change?” I said “No im good!” to which he responded “o…your skirt is very little though…” I was so beyond over it.

My dearest bff on team America is one of a kind! I came home with her last night and spent the night. We ate dominos, watched cable, and lived in the sweet sweet air conditioning; I was basically in heaven. It was needless to say the best night ever. O AND I GOT TO TAKE A REAL SHOWER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IM SO SPOILED!

I AM EVEN MORE CULTURED!!!! I bought a sari today!!!

I love it! It’s so awesome! What wasn’t awesome was the 20 person crowd that gathered  to watch me try the sari on…

I don’t understand why people think I’m that interesting…

Conversation I had with a lady today while out shopping:

Lady: where are you from?
Me: I’m from the United States.
Lady: So you’re from Kenya.
Me: I am from America. I am an American. USA…American

I have been asked at least 19 times since being in India if I’m from Africa, the other day a lady was surprised I spoke such good English because she thought that I was from Africa…#fail

Something else that’s an epic fail all around is this sign:

If anyone can see, this sign reads: “Infertility and test tube baby centre” WHAT? Things that are socially UNACCEPTABLE: THIS SIGN! Like really? I don’t even understand why anyone would think that calling it a test tube baby centre would be an ok idea. I just can’t even…I don’t even know where to begin…

Well the boys and girls but more so the boys are trying to convince me to stay in India and not return home. : ( I told them I had school and my family and friends to which they responded just bring them all here…well I came up with another solution….mom you should probably start preparing the guest rooms…

Things to think about: If a person is born deaf, what language would they think in?

Mind blown,



  1. Another great story!! Especially washing the clothes! I love the Sari! Marchelle, she said 'rooms', is she bringing the school back!? Leigh, I love the though to ponder!! Be Safe!

  2. I will have the "rooms" ready so bring all of your friends home!!! You look really sassy in your Sari!!!

    Love you!!!

  3. Love that Sari!! Leigh, this blog is gold. thank you.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. The Sari is pretty! You know that you were a test tube baby (LOL).

    Love you,

