Sunday, July 15, 2012

I was riding my elephant through the school…

Well as you can see through the title I had a particularly eventful last couple of days. I rode my new favorite elephant (I named her Lucy) through the school! I deemed it socially acceptable to call and wake up my mother at 1 AM her time to inform her of this event. She didn’t answer…thanks mom. Well when she finally called me back she said “wow Leigh! That’s so cool! Where did you ride it?” I said “through the school, naturally…where else would I have had an elephant ride?” So Lucy and I are gallivanting through the school and I’m waving at all the children, who by the way have gotten up out of there seats and are now standing outside, and I’m thinking to myself…I’m on an elephant right now…im actually riding an elephant in India…through a school of all places.  It was awesome. I love Lucy. She’s practically my best friend.

So I’ve figured out why some of the teachers would consider me a slight distraction…In one day I effectively distracted at least 20 students, and I only went to two classes….In the first class one of the boys challenged me to an arm wrestling competition. Well of course I had to step up to the challenge, and once I wrestrled (and beat) one of them that prompted a whole competition…so I was wrestling the 3rd or 4th boy (and still winning I might add, even though some of them might tell you differently, but they would be wrong) and the match ended and I won and I was jumping and cheering and I turned around and there the teacher was…just standing looking at me, he said congratulations then proceeded to teach…I silently snuck out.

In the next class the kids were looking super sleepy so naturally the best decision  could think of was to through limes at them when the teacher wasn’t  and force them to eat them. Well what happened was, the teacher happened to look up as I was chucking a lime at a kids head and all I could come up with was “Sorry, she lent me that earlier.” I was truly failing. I just left and went and sat in a corner after that. (there were supposed to be pics, but Im 99% sure the kids accidently deleted them : ( 

So we were semi hiking/semi riding up this mountain yesterday and it was super awesome and really pretty!

The problem with the hike/ride was that there were cows and donkeys all over the place. I was standing there, minding my own business and here comes two donkeys charging at me. Well I thought, I’ll just show them so I stood my ground and looked serious….well apparently donkey’s don’t understand my serious face as they kept right on coming and I had to (at the last minute mind you) literally jump out of the way. These guys saw what happened and said "Don't worry, they won't harm you." to which I reponded, "Well, they were chraging at me, so...I think they might have harmed me." I don’t understand a country where the donkey’s aren’t afraid of the humans.

And also, apparently the monkey are racists. When we were in line to go up the mountain some people were feeding the monkeys so naturally I needed to get in on that because I mean really, how many times will I get to feed a monkey? Well I told Mr. Jaysh I’m going to feed that monkey!!! He promptly informed me that the monkey could see me, and he would know I was not Indian and he would slap me. I stood and stared at Mr. Jaysh for a second…then I said “Monkeys don’t slap people…” and he said “Yes, Leigh these monkeys will, they know you’re not Indian.” So basically what I deduced from this entire conversation was that Indian monkeys are racist…and I don’t like that.

Racist monkies.

We slammed on brakes yesterday so that we didn’t hit a wart hog…I was royally over that. O and then we had to wait because a cow was grazing…in the middle of the road. I’ll only say this once more, cows=steak not friends.

Cows are food,



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. The elephant ride sounds exciting! I love your since of adventure! I expect when you come home, you will not want steak anymore...!!!
    Be safe!
