Saturday, July 21, 2012

My life in a song:

 Before I get all mushy and that kind of foolishness I want to talk about a few things.  People for some odd reason think I am funny, but I’m trying to tell you, I’m not actually that funny, my life is just big LOL most of the time. There are somethings in life that won’t happen to anybody but me and that is because most of the time my life is a joke; which is ironic because as I’ve stated before I don’t joke.

Now, when I was casually hanging out in the Ahmedabad airport getting ready to  fly off to Mumbai, I heard what I thought was a cat meowing. But I thought to myself, Leigh, surely there is no cat in the airport, because that would be stupid. Well I was sitting therer minding my own business and I see an ornage tabby, casually strolling through the airport.  Well appaernatly only I was confused, distressed, put off, whatever you want to call it, because others saw the same orange tabby as I did but they just continued on with their conversations, even the security dogs in the airport weren’t concerned. I just looked around and tried to understand what was happening in the world…I never figured it out.

Cat chilling in the airport

And as we’re on the topic of things I don’t understand here’s the banana I was given on the plane.

do you understand this tiny banana?

So I was in Amsterdam getting ready to fly on home and when you get to the gate yu have to go through a  type of security again. Well there was an airport rep there asking me the usual questions (have you accepted anything from a stranger since you’ve been here? How long were you in India?) Then he asked me “Why were you in India?” I told him I was working at a school teaching deaf and mute students English. Well, (and here’s where it get awkward) he decided it would be appropriatge to hit on me. So he responded by eyeballing me and saying, “hmm, I wish I deaf and mute and you were my teacher.” I just looked at him and said “Do you really wish that? Because I think you don’t. OK goodbye.” Then I ran away.

On to the mushy stuff:

If you know, maybe even if you don’t you know that I love the Avett Brothers, I love their music, I love the meaning behind it, I love everything about them.  There’s a song by them that sums up my trip to India pretty perfectly.

Salvation Song by the Avett Brothers  (you don’t have to read all the lyrics but I would encourage to give the song a listen, I’ve also bolded the important parts for you)

And I would give up everything
No this is not just about me
And I don't know a plainer way to say it Babe
And they may pay us off in fame
Though that is not why we came
And I know well and good that won't heal our hearts

We came for salvation
We came for family
We came for all that's good that's how we'll walk away
We came to break the bad
We came to cheer the sad
We came to leave behind the world a better way

Now if I'm walkin' through the rain
And I hear you call my name
I will break into a run without a pause
And if your love laughs at your dreams
Well it's not as bad as it seems
Either way one of them has got to go
And if you take of my soul
You can still leave it whole
With the pieces of you own you leave behind

We came for salvation
We came for family
We came for all that's good that's how we'll walk away
We came to break the bad
We came to cheer the sad
We came to leave behind the world a better way

And I would give up everything
And if you were to come up clean
And see you shine so bright in a world of woe
And they may pay us off in fame
But that is not why we came
And if it compromises truth then we will go

We came for salvation
We came for family
We came for all that's good that's how we'll walk away
We came to break the bad
We came to cheer the sad
We came to leave behind the world a better way

I’ll miss my kids. I’ll miss the family we had. But I did what I went to do, and I learned a lot.

Signing off for the last time.

I came to leave behind the world a better way,



  1. Avetts <3 BAHAHAHAHA what a CREEP!

  2. You get it Leelee! You get life! Yes, we're here to try to make and leave the world a better place. Mambi will not be the same without you! Thanks for introducing me to that part of the world. And by the way, you are funny! Safe travels home!

  3. Thanks for the entertainment, Leigh... You are a funny girl, I can attest to that... Reading your blogs was my pleasure for those weeks that you were in India... Hope you have made it safely home, and that your life will be enriched by this experience... Again, thank you for letting me share...
