Saturday, May 11, 2013

How lucky we are to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.

How lucky we are to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.

This is one of my favorite quotes, primarily because it hits so close to home. I spent tonight at an art museum, drinking wine and spending time with some of the people that mean the most to me.  

This whole "senior" year thing is really starting to suck. Everyone is getting all sad and sentimental like we're never going to see each other again. When in fact, I will spend the rest of my life with these people. 

I have no plan.  That's literally the scariest thing a 20-something can say as they approach graduation; I have no plan. That basically translates into: I have no direction! I have no purpose! I don't know what's happening! and that sucks. I would like to challenge that notion however, being in my 20's with no where to go is actually the best place to go. Having nowhere to go means that I can go ANYWHERE. I have limitless possibilities! If I want to go to Australia for a month then I will! If i want to get a job in a diving shop and hang out with sharks I will! (but really I won't, don't worry.) I can do anything because I have nothing stopping me! Instead of being scared of this lack of direction and purpose I think we should start to embrace it, it means we are free. We are completely and utterly free. A quote from one of my favorite books that describes this is, "we were infinite". 

So to all my soon to be recent grads that don't have that next step meticulously planned out, calm it down. You've got options. 

Saying goodbye to this place that has made us who we are will be hard, but it will still be here. It's just like when we left for college; we said goodbye to our parents, but they weren't worried because they knew we had no choice but to come back home at some point.  If you've allowed it to, Carolina has shaped you, molded you, transformed you, into amazing, passionate and beautiful person. Carolina gave us each other. It's more than a place a we have to say goodbye too, it's a life that we've built together. I wont BS you and say anything like Carolina gave us hope and new found meaning, but Carolina did give us ourselves and it gave us each other. 

We are so very lucky to call this place home. 

So, go forth, be amazing! be average! be mediocre! It doesn't matter, just be and be happy. Know you have a place to come back to, a place that's waiting on your return. It may be years from now, it may be months from now, it may be in 2 weeks; but just know that you can always come home. 

See you around Carolina. 

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